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Aviation Congress 2021

Last Friday, September 17, our Sebastian Gościniarek participated in a discussion panel: ”Return of passengers. How has the pandemic changed air travel standards?”. Interesting panelists, interesting discussion.

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RailFreight Summit 2021

Bartosz Baca, as an expert of the Polish Supply Managers Association took part in the discussion panel ”Polish narrative on the New Silk Road”, during RailFreight Summit 2021,.



On December 15, CPKLive was held – a virtual meeting during which the CPK company summed up its activities in 2020.


Sky&More 2019 conference

On Thursday, May 30, another Sky&More aviation industry congress took place in Rzeszów. BBSG was the content partner of the event.


Impact mobility rEVolution’18

On August 30 our colleague Sebastian Gosciniarek participated in a round table discussion on the new Polish Central Transportation Hub organised by Impact mobility rEVolution’18 as a part of wider


BBSG in Ukraine again

Sebastian Gościniarek was invited as a speaker to one of the most important aviation events in Ukraine – Aerocongress 2017, held in Vinnitsa.